Inner Transformation

>> 2010年4月30日星期五

When we are able to look honestly at ourselves and see our strength and weaknesses, our openness allows us to continually grow and change. We can welcome the challenges of work and daily life as opportunities to understand more about ourselves and others.
We face our problems as they arise, accepting them and learning from them. Our honesty inspires others to touch the truth in themselves, to expand their capabilities, and to communicate openly with one another. A positive process of awareness and growth is nourished that strengthens the bonds of caring and cooperation.
Looking honestly at ourselves is not always easy, however, for few of us want to face our shortcomings, especially when we are having problems and do not know how to solve them effectively. We unconsciously try to protect ourselves from failure by closing off our inner vision, avoiding a truthful look at ourselves. When our difficulties come to light as we work with others, we also erect subtle barriers that isolate us from the advice and criticism that could help us to grow.
When we resist the attempts of help that others offer, we fail to see that criticism can be an expression of genuine support. We close the doors to communication and can no longer give or receive the caring that is essential to our work and our inner growth.
Advice from others can provide us with a new perspective on our situation and help us to learn more about ourselves. But when we resent criticism and defend ourselves against it, our difficulties go unattended, and we pass up the chance to be supported in solving them.
Because we do not face our faults, we cannot change them, and similar difficulties are sure to arise in the future. When this happens, we may no longer have the benefit of support, for our negative reactions to criticism alienate those who care for us.


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